Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) are an electronic record that are bound between the user of this website (“Applicant/You/Yours”) and M/s Talent attestation services or www.talentuae.com (“Company”). The claimant recognizes that he/she has reviewed all components of the Terms and Conditions and acknowledges to be bound by them.

We (www.talentuae.com.com or Talent attestation services) will not be linked by any separate contract unless it is written and signed by an advisor of ours.

Please read all the following Terms and condition of Talent attestation services:

1. Scope Of Conditions
These conditions shall govern and apply to all services by signing our bill, the customer acknowledges that he/she has read these conditions and agrees to be bound by each of them. Talent document clearings shall not be bound by any agreement which variesf rom these conditions terms such an agreement is in writing and signed by an authorized officer of talent document clearing services.

2. Delayed documents
Attestation of documents is completely dependent on government rules, regulation and timeframe. Timeframes advised are on the basis of collective experience. These rules, regulations and timeframes may change from time to time. Documents collected from Thursday to Saturday, the advised timeframe begins starting from Monday (in India Friday to Sunday). Delays if any are inevitable and there will be no reduction in the prices as we are not responsible for the same

3. Damages
Every document during the attestation process ids handled by more than 100 people. We will accept all the reasonability for a damaged document pending an investigation but we are not responsible for the below mentioned damages. The document will be released upon receipt of full payment in their case and talent group shall issue a letter claiming the responsibility for the damage.

A few remainders in this category are:

Laminated certificates
It is not advisable to laminate certificate attestation is done on the reverse end of the document. So, if you intend to travel abroad again all laminations will have to be removed to attest further while removing the lamination unavoidable damages may occur if the document is old this is very rare but if it does happen it would be because of unavoidable reasons arising due to the adhesive relationship between the lamination and the document.

Large certificates
All the major courier companies accept standard size envelope

Stapling is a common practice in all embassies we are not responsible for any stapling that may occur during the process of attestation.

4. Lost documents
In the unlikely event the document is lost we will bear all the costs involved in obtaining the duplicate copies only, provided you give us the supporting documents. We shall not be responsible for any indirect loss arising from this situation and we shall not indemnify consequential damages.

5. Fakes
The authenticity of the document is the sole reasonability of the submitter. We will not be liable for any consequences arising due to the duplicity of the document the submitter will have to bear all the costs if any legal liabilities of otherwise which may arise due to same. If the loss of documents is due to the incompetence of the courier company, the indemnity will be the same as is provided by the courier company.

6. Ready for delivery
Once the document is ready, the customer will be informed of the same, if the documents(s) are not collected within 10 days from the day of collection message, an additional service charges will be levied.

7. Cancellation of service and rejection by embassy
The customers can cancel the service at any time. A service charge plus the charges for the attestations completed (if applicable) will be levied in such a scenario. Documents which are rejected by the Embassy shall also attract similar charges.